
The sustainability of EeStairs depends, first and foremost, on the energy and the shared ideas and ambitions of our own people. We are constantly exploring new ways to improve stair design and stair making. We believe that the true basis of sustainability is innovation, and the acceptance of new and more effective ways of improving processes relating to the design and fabrication of stairs.

For example, we use low carbon aluminium in NextGen™ stairs, and we replaced the foam tracks in the base channel of our groovEe™ glass balustrade system with a recycled plastic version. Both products were designed and developed by EeStairs, which allowed us to reduce their environmental impacts. And we pioneer the use of new stair materials, such as the sustainable laminated bamboo.

This ethos of innovation and increased efficiency directly supports our commitment to progressively reduce the environmental impacts of our work, and do so in a controlled and measurable way. EeStairs headquarters complex received the first industrial BREEAM Outstanding five-star rating in Holland, with reduced energy use year-on-year, specific contributions to animal, plant, and insect life, and the use of recycled materials whenever possible. Our headquarters and factory is also operated to ISO9001 and ISO14001 standards.