Cleveland Square - London [GB]

EeStairs + DE ROSEE SA Architects

The three ‘stacked’ helical staircases in this apartment building in the architecturally eclectic Rue Alfred-Roll in Paris were designed with great finesse by DGM Associés, and we collaborated with them on refinements of key details to ensure that the stairs, balustrades and soffits rise with a seamless elegance.

For example, note the way the second step at the base of the stairs, and the tight twist of the inner steel balustrade, continue their radiuses to form a seat around the planter. The precise geometry of the inner and outer balustrades, and their handrails, compliment the geometry of the triangular ceiling soffit. And another pleasing detail is the precise end-point of the outer glass balustrade in relation to the handrail.

These stairs are also a great example of how well mild steel, oak, glass, stainless steel and our super-smooth EeSoffit™ can be gracefully combined. What isn’t obvious is the way our installation team met the challenge of installing the three staircases: the sections were moved onto the strengthened floor of the reception area, and were then lifted into position using a specially designed hoist on the third floor.

Photography Hans Morren

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