Orum Road, Bel Air, Los Angeles [US]

EeStairs + SPF:architects

EeStairs was chosen to provide a stylish set of staircases for Orum Residence, an 18,000 square foot luxury home in Bel Air, California. This property is designed to maximize its stunning views and appears to ‘float’ above the area.

The architect specified a unique triangular shape for the staircase, and EeStairs designed it with a mild steel construction that eliminates the need for mid-supports. To support the weight of the staircases, extra hidden supports were incorporated within each mid-landing, transferring the load from the inside stringer to the outside.

Considering the seismic activity in the area, EeStairs also had to account for seismic code requirements and the weight of the stone treads used in the staircases. Fortunately, EeStairs successfully met all these criteria.

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